Crime Victims’ Rights Week recognized

Published 2:00 pm Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Leadership with the Town of Farmville, as well as representatives of the Farmville Police Department and the Southside Center for Violence Prevention (SCVP), gathered at the Farmville Town Hall Friday as Farmville Town Mayor David Whitus signed a proclamation recognizing the week of April 7-13 as National Crime Victims’ Rights Week.

National Crime Victims’ Rights Week is assigned each year in order for the public to become informed about victims of crimes, the impact that crime has on victims, their families and communities, and to promote laws, policies and programs to help victims and the communities in which they live. The proclamation by the Town of Farmville notes that April is both Sexual Assault Awareness Month and Child Abuse  Awareness Month.

To commemorate National Crime Victims’ Rights Week, the SCVP will hold a candlelight vigil Thursday, starting 6 p.m. at Wilck’s Lake Park on West Third Street.

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The proclamation, according to town officials, is meant to “reaffirm this Town’s commitment to providing a victim service and criminal justice response that assists all victims of crime during Crime Victims’ Rights Week and throughout the year; and to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation for those community members, victim service providers, and criminal justice professionals who are committed to improving our response to all victims of crime so that they may find relevant assistance, support, justice, and peace.”

To learn more about National Crime Victims’ Rights Week, visit SCVP’s website at