Stand together for the good of the world
Published 9:40 am Thursday, March 21, 2019
“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” The words of Mahatma Ghandi challenge each of us to do better. I want our Muslim neighbors to know that their Interfaith Collective brothers and sisters grieve with them over the loss of life suffered in New Zealand. To attack someone while worshipping in a church, a synagogue, or a mosque, is to attack them at their most vulnerable. Our hearts grieve with you over the fear produced and the words that cut into your heart.
I want each of our neighbors, people of all faiths and those of nonfaith, to know that I value your humanity and your walk here on this Earth. I respect you and the choices you make for yourself and your families. I see the way each of you move through our community in your faith expressions. I want you to know that you are not alone.
We must work together to drive out the hate speech and actions and open the hearts of those who may judge others based on their race, religion, background, income level, gender, or sexual orientation. We must speak up when we see or hear ugly words and actions directed at others. We must look into the eyes of those we pass each day and recognize the soul and humanity of everyone who shares this time with us. We must love God and love our neighbor enough to allow them to make the best decisions for their own lives. We are better than what we are seeing in this world. “Be the change you wish to see in the World.”
Amen, Amen, and Amen.
Patsy G. Watson