Spring All Hands meeting

Published 10:18 am Thursday, March 7, 2019

Go Virginia Region 3 is holding its Spring All Hands meeting Tuesday, March 27. We welcome business leaders, educators, government officials and anyone else dedicated to the economic vitality of Southern Virginia.

Featured will be seven success stories of economic development projects already occurring in Region 3: Girls who Code, Halifax County; The SOVA Food Hub, South Hill; Racing Ahead – The VIR Advantage, Alton; The Randolph-Henry Land Laboratory, Charlotte County; and Ballad Brewing Company, Danville/Farmville.

Keynote speaker Larry Terry, director of the UVA Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service, will use these success stories as the basis for his thoughts about Leadership In Action.

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Our desire is to make Go Virginia funding accessible across the region, which includes the counties of Amelia, Brunswick, Buckingham, Charlotte, Cumberland, Halifax, Henry, Lunenburg, Mecklenburg, Nottoway, Patrick, Pittsylvania and Prince Edward and the Cities of Danville and Martinsville.