Dillwyn educator Baber recognized
Published 4:23 pm Tuesday, December 11, 2018
The Virginia Council on Economic Education (VCEE) and the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond recognized 16 educators who have demonstrated exceptional delivery of personal finance and economic education in their Virginia K-12 classrooms. The award ceremony was held at the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond. “Established in 1988, this is the 30th anniversary of VCEE’s annual Virginia Economic Educator awards. By educating Virginia’s students in economics and personal finance, Virginia educators help prepare financially responsible adults and a more qualified workforce. Ultimately this commitment to financial and economic literacy helps young Virginians thrive and leads to a stronger, more vibrant economy,” said Dan Mortensen, executive director, Virginia Council on Economic Education.
VCEE’s statewide network of university-based Centers for Economic Education serve K-12 schools in their respective regions. Dina J. Baber, Discovery School of Virginia in Dillwyn, Commonwealth University Center, was named for her region.
In Virginia’s public schools, personal finance and economics are included in the Standards of Learning for every grade level, culminating in a nationally-recognized full-year course for high school students. “We are grateful for the commitment of these outstanding educators. Their innovative instructional approaches help bridge the classroom to the real world, inspiring students to create financially stable futures,” said Dr. Kartik Athreya, executive vice president and director of research, the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond. To view the classroom lessons developed by the award winners and to learn how to nominate an educator for the 2019 Economic Educator Awards, visit vcee.org.