CUCPS poster contest winners
Published 8:05 am Thursday, November 15, 2018
Each year the Peter Francisco Soil and Water Conservation District promotes the National Association of Conservation Districts’ poster contest for students in kindergarten through 12th grade. The theme for the 2018 poster contest was Watersheds, Our Water, Our Home. Winners from Cumberland were:
• Katyia Brown, Cumberland High School (CHS), first place winner in the 10th-12th grade category and recipient of a $50 Walmart gift card.
• Tiera Butler, CHS, second place winner in the 10th-12th grade category and recipient of a $30 Walmart gift card.
• Minha Shin, CHS, third place winner in the 10th-12th grade category and recipient of a $20 Walmart gift card.
• Kristen Caleb, CHS, honorable mention in the 10th-12th grade category and recipient of a $20 Walmart gift card.
• Natalie Sullivan, Cumberland Middle School (CMS), first place winner in the fourth-sixth grade category and recipient of a $25 Walmart gift card.
• Maya Bell, CMS, second place winner in the fourth-sixth grade category and recipient of a $15 Walmart gift card.
The first place poster in each category has been forwarded to the Virginia Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts for judging at the state level. Winners at the state level will be forwarded for judging at the national level.