VFW awards donation to JROTC Raider team
Published 10:31 am Tuesday, September 25, 2018
The Buckingham County VFW Post 8446 recently awarded the Buckingham County High School JROTC Raider Team an award of $1,000. The award will help defray costs when the Raiders travel to Molena, Georgia on Nov. 1 to compete against the best of other JROTC from around the United States. While in Molena the Raider Teams will watch the All-Service Championships to be held Nov. 2 and compete in both the All-Male and Mixed Categories for the U.S. Army National JROTC Raider Championships Nov. 3. Pictured are, from left, Betty Jean Anderson, Marie Sweeney, Joshua Meek, Vic Moss, Caroll Gathright, John Sedgwick; background, Christopher Opie, Ayers Newton, Enoch Matthews and Sean Ballowe.