Church and community events
Published 8:28 am Thursday, September 20, 2018
Community Events calendar is published each Friday. Items must be submitted by 10 a.m. Monday for that Friday’s calendar. Events should be emailed to CommunityCalendar@
COMMEMORATION PROGRAM, 11 a.m. sponsored by Post 7059 Veterans of Foreign Wars and Auxiliary on the lawn of the Prince Edward County courthouse. Everyone is welcome.
CANCELLATION, of meeting at Zion Hill Baptist Church.
CVA MEMBERSHIP PICNIC, 4-7 p.m. at the home of Paul and Lisa Hoffman, 988 Sulphur Spring Road, Prospect.
MOTON FASHION SHOW, 4:30 p.m. at the Moton Auditorium, 900 Griffin Blvd., Farmville. Proceeds go to the scholarship fund.
LAW ENFORCEMENT LIP SYNC CHALLENGE, 9 a.m. at Prince Edward County High School Track, 35 Eagle Drive, Farmville sponsored by the Prince Edward County Sheriff’s office.
CAR SHOW, noon sponsored by the Cumberland Fair Association at the Cumberland Fair Building. All vehicles must be entered by 4 p.m.; judging will be done at 5 p.m. The Fair Building is located on Route 60 in Cumberland, across from the former L.P.J High School.
3RD ANNUAL EPSIE C. SIMS MEMORIAL PROGRAM, 3 p.m. at The Old Green Creek Baptist Church. Musical guest will be The No Named Gospel Singers. Dinner will be served.
CENTRAL SOUTHSIDE CHRISTIAN CONFERENCE, 9:30 a.m. – 2:45 p.m. at the New Jerusalem Baptist Church in Appomattox, where Rev. Dr. C.L. Gray is pastor. There will be different motivational speakers, sermonic messages and musical selections. Everyone is welcome.
CANCELLATION, of anniversary service for New Witt Baptist Church Sunday School.
FREE COMMUNITY CAR WASH AND FALL FESTIVAL, 10 a.m. – noon at Spring Creek Baptist Church, 918 Darlington Heights Road, Cullen. There will be inflatables, games, cake walk and more.
COMMUNITY FARMERS MARKET, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. at Tractor Supply, Farmville. Local farmers, crafters and artisans will be on-site selling homemade and homegrown goods at the store located at 1575 S. Main Street.
WOMEN USHERS PROGRAM, 4 p.m. at the Spirit of Life Church of God in Christ, 308 South Virginia and Church Street, Farmville. Theme, A Rainbow Uniting Ushers Together for Christ. Elder Novey W. Wiley, Sr. is pastor. Everyone welcome.
VIRSO NEIGHBOR WATCH COMMUNITY DAY, 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. at the Virso Recreational Center, Route 633 in Meherrin.
160TH BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION, 11 a.m. for Goshen Baptist Church, 2381 Axtell Road, Howardsville. All are welcome.
SUNDAY SERVICES, 11a.m. will be the Reverend Kevin Callahan of Richmond, at Forest Baptist Church of Meherrin. All are welcome.
AFTERNOON PRAISE, 3 p.m. sponsored by the Usher Ministry of Mt. Olive Baptist Church of Dillwyn. Denise and the Traveling Aires will be in concert. Come out for an afternoon of song and praise.
ANNUAL FAMILY AND FRIENDS DAY, 3 p.m. at Gravel Hill Baptist Church, 3357 Cutbanks Road, Pamplin. Guest speaker will be Minister Leroy Woolridge, Jr., Associate Minister of Mt. Airy Baptist Church, Gladstone, accompanied by the Mt. Airy Choir. Refreshments will be served. All are welcome.
HOMECOMING, 11 a.m. at Mt. Nebo Baptist Church in Abilene. Covered dish to follow service. Guest speaker will be Evangelist the Rev. Matt Wilkins from Lynchburg. Everyone is welcome.
TIME CHANGE AND CANCELLATION, at Apostolic Faith Church of All Nations will not be having worship services. The church will be worshipping with Rising Star Apostolic Church. Also, their Sunday morning worship service time will change to noon for Sunday, Sept. 30.
CHOIR ANNIVERSARY, 3 p.m. for The New Bethel Combined Choir from New Bethel Baptist Church. All are welcome.
OLD FASHIONED TENT REVIVAL, 11 a.m. at Emmanuel Bible Church, 401 Southern Dr., Keysville and continues each evening at 6 p.m. in the tent. Come out and hear the Rev. Jim Critchley, of Altavista, as he brings the powerful Word of God.
REVIVAL, 11 a.m. at Spring Creek Baptist Church, 918 Darlington Heights Road, Cullen. Nightly services will began at 7 p.m. nightly with Evangelist Garry Sims.
FAMILY AND COMMUNITY LISTENING FORUM, 6-7:15 p.m. at the Rice Fire Department, to hear Superintendent, Dr. Johnson speak and ask for feedback from citizens to continue to move forward.
HOME BUYERS SEMINAR, 6-7 p.m. at Virginia Credit Union’s Farmville Branch, 100 Midtown Ave. off S. Main Street in Farmville. Mortgage experts will be on hand to answer specific questions. To register, call (804) 323-6800 or visit
REGULAR MEETING, 11 a.m. of the Piedmont Soil and Water Conservation District Board of Directors in the conference room of the Prince Edward County Natural Resources and Agricultural Building, located at 100 Dominion Drive, in Farmville. The public is welcome.
STRATEGY WORKSHOP, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. of The Southern Virginia GO Region 3 Council at the Virginia International Raceway, 1245 Pine Tree Road, Alton. The meeting is open to the public.
FREE WORKSHOP, 1-4 p.m., making bath and body products from your farm at the Prince Edward Extension Office.
PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD, 4:30 p.m. of The Prince Edward County School Board for the vacated School Board Member position for District 2 in the Dr. James M. Anderson, Jr., School Board Conference Room. The vacated position term expires with the general election, Nov. 6. Interested candidates need to be prepared to make a public statement of interest. Candidates must provide a resume and written statement of interest to the School Board on Sept. 26, at the Prince Edward County School Board Office, 35 Eagle Drive, Farmville.
QUILT GROUP TO MEET, 10 a.m. at American Legion #8, 1710 Jeffress Blvd., South Boston. Finishing work on throws and wheelchair lap robes will be done so that as many as possible may be delivered to the Veterans’ Home in Salem in early October. No experience necessary to help. For more info call Ellie at (434) 572-1998.
CHILD SEAT SAFETY CHECK, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. sponsored by the Farmville Police Department at the Fire Department on West Third Street. Anyone that transports children is encourage to stop by. The event is free of charge. Officers will also have Child ID Kits to give to anyone that wants them.
HOMECOMING, 11 a.m. at Union Grove Baptist Church, 2006 County Line Road, Keysville. Musical guests are the Glory Land Quartet. A covered dish will be served. All are welcome.
SMOKEY WILSON IN CONCERT, 7 p.m. at Rough Creek Presbyterian Church. Light refreshments will follow the concert. All are welcome. Church is 3 miles north of Phenix on Highway 727.
HOMECOMING, 11 a.m. at Fitzgerald Memorial Baptist Church, 14 Fitzgerald Road, Cumberland. Special music by Dean Vassar of Virginia Beach. Covered dish lunch will follow. Come as you are and bring a friend.
BAKED POTATO BAR, 12:15 p.m. at Mt. Pleasant United Methodist Church, Meherrin sponsored by The United Methodist Women of Mt. Harmony, Beulah and Mt. Pleasant. A love offering will be accepted to assist with mission work in the community. Come at 11 a.m. and join us for worship, too. Great food and fellowship.
FAMILY AND FRIENDS DAY, 3 p.m. at Aspen Hill Baptist Church, Brookneal. Preaching will be the Rev. Robert M. Tucker, Jr., pastor of Sunflower Missionary Baptist Church, Nathalie. A repast will be served. Come and be blessed.
COMMUNITY FORUM, 5:30-6:30 p.m. at the Historic Train Station. Call (434) 392-4246 to register. Sponsored by Virginia Cooperative Extension.