Church and community events
Published 7:19 am Thursday, August 16, 2018
The Church and Community Events calendar is published each Friday. Items must be submitted by 10 a.m. Monday for that Friday’s calendar. Events should be emailed to
CRUISE IN, 4-8 p.m. sponsored by The Heart of Virginia classic car club at the parking lot at the old Schewels building next to Tractor Supply. Bring your antique car or classic car to show or come to check them out. Vote for your favorite car. Trophies for top three cars. 50/50 given. No entry fee.
HOMECOMING, 11 a.m. at Midway Baptist Church, 837 Guinea Road, Farmville. There will be no afternoon service.
OLD FASHION HYMN SING, 6 p.m. at Heritage Baptist Church, 700 Milnwood Road, Farmville. All are welcome.
HOMECOMING/ REVIVAL, 11:15 a.m. at Salem United Methodist Church, Dillwyn. Revival services will be held Monday – Thursday. Revival speaker will be Woody Wood and begins at 7 p.m. each night.
WORSHIP SERVICE, 11 a.m. at Forest Baptist Church, Meherrin will be preached by the Rev. Jesse Gatlin. All are welcome to attend.
HOMECOMING, 11 a.m. at Gravel Hill Baptist, Jetersville with Pastor Eugene Claiborne, Jr. delivering the message. Lunch will be served. Afternoon service at 3 p.m. with the Rev. Dr. Sarah Coleman of Crewe accompanied by her deacons, choir, ushers and family.
SPAGHETTI LUNCH, 1 p.m. at Cedar Baptist Church, 3932 Bell Road, Dillwyn, followed by the showing of the Jesus film. Donations appreciated to go toward funding a Jesus film and church planting resource kit that will reach 30,000 people.
HOMECOMING, 11 a.m., morning service only, at New Hope Baptist Church. Afternoon will be dinner, fun and fellowship.
AUGUST 19-24
HOMECOMING/ REVIVAL, 11 a.m. St. Andrews Baptist Church, Cullen. Sunday morning message by the Rev. Dr. Maurice D. Finney. Dinner will be served. No afternoon service. Revival services each night beginning Monday at 7 p.m. Revivalist for the week will be the Rev. Jerry Streat, Pastor of Poplar Lawn Baptist, Blackstone. Different choirs each night. Come and be blessed.
HOMECOMING/REVIVAL, 11 a.m. beginning with Homecoming services at Zion Hill Baptist Church. Lunch will be served. Revival begins Monday at 7 p.m. with the Rev. Dr. Gary Harmon of Level Run Baptist, Hurt as guest preacher.
HOMECOMING/REVIVAL, 11 a.m. at First Rock Baptist Church of Prospect. Sunday morning, the Rev. Otis Johnson, pastor of the Peaks Baptist Church will preach at the regular worship service accompanied by his choir, ushers and congregation. Lunch will follow. The afternoon service will begin at 2:30 p.m. Revival services will begin with praise and worship service at 7 p.m. and worship service at 7:30 p.m. The Rev. Dr. Eddie Giles, pastor of Holy Trinity Baptist Church and Reed Rock Baptist Church will be the guest evangelist. Different choirs will render the music.
HOMECOMING, 11:30 a.m. at Mt. Nebo in Dillwyn with dinner following morning service. Five nights of revival by the Rev. Trent, Aug. 20-24. If you have any questions, contact Ancer Richard at (434) 603-1914.
BLOOD DRIVE, 2-7 p.m. at Heritage Hall, 900 South Main Street, Blackstone.
WOMEN’S FELLOWSHIP, 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. at the Mt. Moriah Upper Room Baptist Church, Tuggle Road, Farmville. Enjoy board games and fellowship. Light refreshments will be served. All are welcome.
NAACP TO MEET, 6 p.m. of the Prince Edward County branch at the SCOPE building in Farmville. All are welcome.
AUGUST 20-24
REVIVAL SERVICES, 7:30 p.m. nightly at Midway Baptist Church, 837 Guinea Road, Farmville. There will be different ministers, along with their choir, each night. All are welcome.
AUGUST 22-24
REVIVAL, 7:30 p.m. at New Hope Baptist Church. There will be different pastors each night.
AUGUST 20-25
REVIVAL, 7:30 p.m. at Gravel Hill Baptist, Jetersville, with praise and prayer service and worship at 8 p.m. Guest revivalist will be the Rev. Daniel Tucker, Jr. along with his choirs, deacons and ushers.
RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE/COOKOUT, 1-6 p.m. at St. John’s Lutheran Church, 1301 Milnwood Road, Farmville. Those who donate will receive a hamburger or hot dog with fixins, baked beans and dessert.
OPEN TRAIL NIGHTS, 9-11 p.m. at High Bridge Trail State Park between Farmville and River Road. The public is welcome to walk or ride the trail under the light of the full moon. The closest access to High Bridge is from the Camp Paradise parking area in Prince Edward County.
CAR AND TRUCK SHOW, 1-3:30 p.m. sponsored by The Randolph Henry FFA Chapter in the Charlotte County Central Middle School bus parking lot. Classes for the show will include Best Classic Car, Best Classic Truck, Ugliest Farm Truck, and Spectators Choice. There will be food, music, door prizes, cash prizes and trophies for best vehicles.
BACK TO SCHOOL MAGIC SHOW, 4 p.m. at Centenary UMC Scottsville, 12347 S. Constitution Road, Scottsville. Come early to get a good seat and parking place. Information, call Pastor Paul Larrimore or Rebecca Smith (434) 390-9142.
HOMECOMING/178TH CHURCH ANNIVERSARY, 11 a.m. at Triumph Baptist Church, Darlington Heights Road. The Rev. James W. Morris, pastor, will preach and the church’s choir will provide the music. Dinner will be served. Revival service will be held Aug. 27 – 31. Prayer and praise at 7 p.m. and worship service at 7:30 p.m. The preacher will be the Rev. Darryl Brown, pastor of the Calvary Baptist Church in Prospect accompanied by a guest choir each night. Everyone is welcome.
AUGUST 26-29
HOMECOMING/ REVIVAL, 10 a.m. at Glenmore UMC, 7988 Howardsville, Road, Howardsville, featuring All Problems Solved and their Pastor Dr. Paul D. Larrimore. A meal to follow. All are welcome. Revival services nightly Monday – Wednesday, 7 p.m. with revivalist the Rev. Larry Mann. Special musical groups nightly.
AUGUST 26-31
HOMECOMING/REVIVAL, 11 a.m. at Forest Baptist Church. The former Rev. Otis Spellman will deliver the morning worship sermon. Lunch will be served. There will be no afternoon service. Revival service Monday – Friday with prayer and praise service starting at 6:30 p.m. and worship service at 7 p.m. There will be different guest revivalists for the week. Music will be rendered by different guest choir each night. All are welcome to attend.
BAKED POTATO DINNER, 4:30-6:30 p.m. at the Randolph Fire Department, 2145 Cumberland Road. Menu will be baked potatoes, salad, desserts, coffee and iced tea. Donate at the door to support the fire department.
100 MEN IN BLACK PROGRAM, 3 p.m. sponsored by The Kappa Rho Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. at Jericho Baptist Church, 615 Franklin St., Farmville. Guest speaker will be the Rev. Dr. Cavell Phillips, Assistant Pastor of the Richmond Christian Center. Theme will be “Dressed for the Test” (Ephesians 6:10—17). The event will benefit Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). Light refreshments will be served. All are welcome.
CUMBERLAND COMMUNITY MARKET, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. at Payne Memorial Methodist Church at 1 Stoney Point Road in Cumberland across from the Court House. Food and drinks will be available for purchase. Tables will be set up inside and outside. If interested in reserving a spot at the market contact Lisa Davis at (804) 387-2356 or by e-mail at lisa.blanton62@gmail. com.
WOMEN’S MINISTRY ANNUAL CELEBRATION, 3 p.m. at Zion Hill Baptist Church. Pastor Sherrie L. Garrett of Beulah African Methodist Episcopal Church will be the guest preacher.
WATER TESTING KITS. Pick up kits from 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. at the Prince Edward Extension Office.
MONTHLY FELLOWSHIP, noon – 1 p.m. at Payne Memorial United Methodist Church, 1 Stoney Point Road, Cumberland. Theme, “Choosing Life.” Speaker will be the Rev. Helen Cannon and he will speak on the topic of The Quest For Wisdom. All are welcome.
CVA MEMBERSHIP PICNIC, 4-7 p.m. at the home of Paul and Lisa Hoffman, 988 Sulphur Spring Road, Prospect.
FREE WORKSHOP, 1-4 p.m., ‘Making Bath & Body Products from Your Farm’ at the Prince Edward Extension Office.