New officers of the Redbud Garden Club

Published 7:54 am Thursday, July 19, 2018

The Redbud Garden Club met at Ann Ligon’s home where Tina Wells presented a program entitled “Beyond Dogwoods and Redbuds.” She gave a wonderful talk on small to medium trees for the yard that are neither redbuds nor dogwoods. Native trees suggested include Carolina Silverbell, Fringetree, Pagoda Dogwood, Possumhaw Viburnum and Blackhaw. Non-natives trees on her list were Korean Evodia, Laburnum x watereri, Japanese Stewartia, Japanese Snowball, Japanese Tree Lilac, Paperbark Maple and Persian Parrotia. During the business meeting, officers for the next year were installed. Arrangement points for ‘Kitchen Hands.’

Blue ribbons were received by Liz Dunn, Dottie Fahrner, Geraldine Sanderson. Red ribbons went to Janet Higgins, Ann Ligon, Alice Metts, Nancy Schaeffer and Jo Smith. The arrangement ‘Flag Time’ garnered blue ribbons for Geraldine Sanderson and Jo Smith. Red ribbons went to Ann Ligon Nancy Schaeffer and Sarah Schember. Horticulture points were awarded as follows: Blue ribbons went to Rebecca Giles four, Sarah Schember two, Janet Higgins three, Ann Ligon two, Nancy Schaeffer five. Red ribbons went to Ann Ligon one, Rebecca Giles four, Janet Higgins five and Nancy Schaeffer three.

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