Leadership has failed
Published 1:44 pm Tuesday, June 26, 2018
The citizens of Cumberland’s 2nd District are being railroaded, bamboozled, mislead and lied to by the board of supervisors regarding a multistate landfill planned for their district. The Planning Commission and the board of supervisors have kept this plan under wraps and they should be ashamed of themselves. The last public meeting on the landfill issue was full of residents, old and new to the area, whose lives are going to be ruined.
Their property values will, and already are, plummeting. The serenity they sought by moving to a rural area is going to be disrupted. I am ashamed to admit I am a Cumberland resident, but this isn’t anything new. This county has been poorly managed for decades. People talk a good game to get elected and then become part of the good ole’ boys club. I suggest that as residents of Cumberland fight the landfill they also pay close attention to the actions and words of their supervisors, because they all need to be voted out of office. If Cumberland is ever going to join the 21st century, it needs new leadership. The current leadership has failed.
Beverly Speas