Lower, Rust get PE top honors

Published 1:37 pm Thursday, May 24, 2018

Prince Edward County High School announces its 2018 valedictorian and salutatorian. The valedictorian and salutatorian are the graduates with the highest and second highest grade point averages in the senior class.

Ian Lower


Ian Lower is the son of Sarah Hardy and Gavin Lower, of Farmville. Lower participated in band, cross-country, karate, National Honor Society, Tri-M Honor Society and was a manager for the soccer team. He was also an AP scholar with honors, received an academic jacket, qualified for the National Chemistry Olympiad and earned the Damon Burd Character Award. Lower plans to attend Middlebury College.

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Grace Rust


Grace Rust is the daughter of Heather Lettner-Rust and Kim Lettner of Farmville. While at Prince Edward County High School, Rust participated in Forensics, Debate, took piano lessons, and was a member of the NHS, Grace play volleyball, tennis and was on the swim team. She was recognized by the Eta Sigma Phi Classics Honor society, received NSLI-Y scholarship, and Virginia Seal of Biliteracy for Arabic. Rust plans to attend the dual-BA program between Sciences in Menton, France and Columbia University in New York.