Elementary students begin home libraries

Published 8:58 am Thursday, May 17, 2018

More than 5,000 books were sent home last week with Prince Edward County Elementary School (PECES) students. Alison Roberts, Longwood student, saw a need and provided. Roberts had the idea of collecting books for the kids a few years ago when she realized some students did not have access to books at home. She co-founded a Longwood organization called SELF, (Support, Empower, Learn, Fun) and they began to collect a few thousand books for the students. “We are an education-focused, volunteer-based club that aims to help the children of our community,” stated Julie McKnew, president of SELF. People who donated a few years ago were interested in donating again, so she began planning another book drive this year. SELF collected over 5,000 books to give out. Lakewood Manor, a retirement community in Richmond, donated several hundred books to the cause. A group of donors, who wish to remain anonymous, donated money to buy the rest of the books. Roberts coordinated all of the donations. When the books arrived, PECES teachers, Laura Fricker and Brooke Wohlford, helped sort the books by reading level. All of the classes from pre-K to fourth-grade were invited to choose five books to take home and begin their home libraries.

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