Nora Lancaster Garden Club March meeting
Published 1:11 pm Thursday, April 5, 2018
The March 2018 meeting of the Nora Lancaster Garden Club was held at the Farmville Library. The program, “Camellias,” was provided by David Fowlkes, retired horticulturist for the Town of Farmville. Mr. Fowlkes brought camellia blossoms from his yard and described the attributes of each flower along with the name of the specific shrub. He explained that camellias are a southern plant and that central Virginia is in the northern and western edges of the camellia belt. Because we’re on the northern edge of the growing region, Fowlkes said to choose a cold hardy variety. He told the club that camellias are not deer resistant, but fortunately they aren’t a favorite food of deer. He explained that we should choose a site that will provide some degree of protection from the elements such as wind, frost, hard rain, and sun — it’s the winter sun they dislike because the sun dehydrates the foliage and buds. Camellias like to grow under pines, and aren’t fussy about the soil — average soil is satisfactory for them. If they’ve recently been planted, he said to mulch them to help conserve moisture and deter extreme temperatures. After the plant is established, he said that mulch isn’t so important. Fowlkes also said camellias require minimum care; you usually don’t have to prune them. If weather conditions cause brown leaves, you can wait for the new growth to appear and prune them to just above where they leaf out. If you decide to prune them, be aware that they may not set buds the next year. To close the presentation, he shared his beautiful blossoms with everyone. Displaying camellia buds and blossoms elegantly is as easy as floating them in a clear bowl.
Ribbons for arrangements were awarded to: Blue, Becky Kelly, Judy O’Steen, Brenda Puryear, and Helen Smith; red, Tricia Crute (2); yellow, Jane Clark and Jane Crute.
Ribbons for horticulture were awarded to: Blue,Tricia Crute, Becky Kelly (3), Judy O’Steen, Brenda Puryear (5), and Helen Smith (4); red, Jane Crute, Brenda Puryear (2), and Linda Rofe received an acknowledgement for participation. Hostesses were Becky Kelly, Judy O’Steen, and Yvonne Costello.