Opposing the roundabout

Published 2:24 pm Thursday, February 15, 2018


Regarding a proposed roundabout at the intersection of Oak, High and Griffin, it is not unexpected that a commercial company such as McCormick Taylor, would push for a roundabout. After all, they stand to profit handsomely from such a project. You will remember McCormick Taylor are the same folks who said it would be perfectly safe for a large number of vehicles, exiting from behind Benchmark Bank, to make a left turn onto South Main Street without the benefit of a traffic signal.  

A Jan. 22 meeting was held at Town Hall to discuss the proposed roundabout at Oak, High and Griffin.

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In attendance were the town manager, mayor, several council members, a Longwood University representative and a VDOT representative from Lynchburg, Gerry Harter.

At that meeting, VDOT representative Mr. Harter, an unbiased party, advised against a roundabout, citing:

1) low number of accidents at that intersection (eight accidents in the past six years)

2) high pedestrian traffic

3) difficulty for tractor-trailers using such a roundabout

4) possibility for increased driver confusion

5) roundabouts are expensive

6) Is a roundabout being installed just because it would look nice?

Would our money not be better spent elsewhere? There are several locations across town which would benefit from some attention (i.e. right turn from Third Street onto Oak in front of Centra Hospital, South Main Street across from McDonald’s, among others).

This project would not even be an issue were it not for the University Master Plan for 2025, (formulated in 2014), which indicated a roundabout at this very location.

Of the purported three options for this intersection, there is no real option other than leaving things be — or perhaps re-aligning the intersection with additional turn lanes. The safest way, concerning the high number of pedestrians, is still traffic lights.

To quote Town Manager Gerry Spates: “If it’s not broke, why fix it?”

Carol Fauci
