Where are the local jobs?
Published 12:29 pm Tuesday, January 30, 2018
Where are the local tree cutters? The “tree felling” that Dominion Energy, Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP) has begun in Buckingham is done by crews in trucks with all out-of-state plates — Utah, West Virginia, Tennessee, etc. The Buckingham Planning Commissioners were alerted to this on Monday at the Jan. 22 meeting. Landowners who have not signed an easement for a pipeline right of way, and consequently are being sued for condemnation of their land through eminent domain, were notified that ACP intends to begin tree cutting soon on their property. This is illegal. Anyone who has not signed a right of way with ACP may call the sheriff at (434) 969-1772 and State Police at (434) 983- 3133 immediately if they see trespassing by the tree cutters on their land.
Kenda Hanuman