Donations to local organizations

Published 11:19 am Tuesday, January 9, 2018

The Woman’s Club of Farmville GFWC held its monthly meeting Wednesday and presented donations to local organizations. Pictured are, from left, front row, Susan Smith, Habitat for Humanity; Nancy Andrews, Commonwealth Chorale; Pat Payne, Heart of Virginia Free Clinic; Jennifer Wall, Patrick Henry Family Services; back row, Dennis Merkle, Piedmont Area Veterans Council; Juliana Charlton, Barbara Rose Johns Farmville-Prince Edward Community Library; Cathy Holsoppie, Pregnancy Support Center; Pam Fortune, Legal Aid Society; Debbie McClintock, president of the Woman’s Club of Farmville; Kandy Freeman, Madeline’s House; Amy Beatson, STEPS; Justine Young, Piedmont Senior Resources; and Ellery Sedgwick, FACES. The following organizations were also given donations, but a representative was not available to attend: Camp Loud & Clear, Special Olympics, Salvation Army and Meals on Wheels. We commend the Woman’s Club of Farmville GFWC for its generous donations to local organizations. (Send “Way to Go!” photos with a description and names to

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