Gift benefits thousands

Published 11:32 am Tuesday, December 12, 2017

During the holidays as we give to and receive generously from our family and friends, let’s also consider giving back to those in our community. You may have a favorite charity or cause about which you are passionate. If so, give a donation. Or if you like to cover a wider spectrum with your dollars, consider giving to a nonprofit organization — the United Way.

A dollar given to the United Way touches many organizations and thousands of people right here in our community. There is something especially satisfying knowing that your donation has that kind of impact. There are also practical reasons for making a charitable contribution before Dec. 31, namely the opportunity to lighten your tax burden.

Carefully consider the following list of United Way of Prince Edward County beneficiaries and the people in our community, perhaps many you know, whose lives are enriched by their services: Farmville Area Community Emergency Services (FACES), Farmville Area Habitat for Humanity, Farmville Service Unit Girl Scouts, Farmville Area Boy Scouts Service Organization, Jolly Glee Senior Citizens Club, Madeline’s House/ Southside Center for Violence Prevention, Prince Edward County 4-H Clubs and Equestrian Club, Prince Edward-Farmville Youth Association, Scope/Meals On Wheels, Southside Virginia Family YMCA, Southside Pregnancy Center, Southside SPCA, Southside Training, Employment and Placement Services (STEPS), Tri-County Life Learners, Virginia Legal Aid Society, Camp Loud and Clear, Heartland Horse Heroes, Riding Star 4-H. Visit www. for more partner details.

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As a donor to the United Way, you can rest assured that your money is being spent properly. The United Way has an extensive screening process for its beneficiary agencies and holds them accountable for how United Way money is spent. When you donate with the United Way, you don’t have to worry about being scammed.

To make a difference in our community, consider making a donation. Visit the United Way website, www.uwprinceedward. org, or mail your check or money order to United Way of Prince Edward County, P.O. Box 122, Farmville Va 23901.