Stunned by pledge

Published 2:42 pm Tuesday, November 7, 2017


I was stunned when I read that New York City mayor, the liberal who wants guns out of our hands and into the government’s Michael Bloomberg just pledged another $400,000 to the campaign of Ralph Northam the liberal democrat for governor of Virginia. This comes after Bloomberg already pledged $1 million to the Northam campaign several months ago according to The Washington Post. Gun controllers and Hillary’s minions want guns out of the hands of private citizens and into the hands of the government. They think they can buy Virginia at the poll and outsmart the good citizens of Virginia who support the Second Amendment and the U.S. Constitution. Most of the legislation they propose will try to ban the use and sale of semi-automatic rifles used for hunting.

You can make a difference by voting for Gillespie for Governor of Virginia or just go ahead and give up your guns today.

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Bill Carter
