Church and Community Events
Published 9:35 am Wednesday, November 22, 2017
The Church and Community Events calendar is published each Friday. Items must be submitted by 10 a.m. Monday for that Friday’s calendar. Events should be emailed to
RED KETTLE DRIVE, of the Salvation Army for Prince Edward and Cumberland. Donations will be received at the Farmville Walmart store. Call (434) 607-2399 to volunteer.
FREE THANKSGIVING DINNER, 11 a.m. at The Centenary UMC. Everyone is welcomed to come and enjoy the service and dinner to follow with fellowship. Call (434) 286-3812 for further information.
MEN’S MINISTRY-MEN’S DAY OUT, 3 p.m. at Mt. Olive Baptist Church, of Dillwyn, with an afternoon of Gospel Praise. All for Christ will be in concert, along with the St. Joy Men’s Chorus, Brother Chris Lewis and others.
40TH ANNIVERSARY, 3 p.m. of The Royal Supremes Gospel Singers of Farmville at Prince Edward County High School. Special guest the legendary Supreme Angels of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Denise and the Traveling Aires and The New Creations.
BLOOD DRIVE, 2-6 p.m. at The Woodlands, 2003 Cobb St., Farmville.
BOARD MEETING, 11 a.m. of Piedmont Soil and Water Conservation District in the conference room of the Prince Edward County Natural Resources and Agricultural Building, located at 100 Dominion Drive, in Farmville. The public is invited to attend the meeting.
GRIEF HOLIDAY WORKSHOP, 5:30 p.m. at the Farmville Library sponsored by New Century Hospice. Register by contacting the Rev. Amanda Hayes-Bowman at (434) 395-1042 or
HEARING LOSS SUPPORT GROUP, 1-2 p.m. at Longwood’s Speech, Hearing and Learning Services, 315 W. Third St., Farmville. Topic will be new hearing technologies and solutions. RSVP to (343) 395-2369 or
ANNUAL FISH FRY AND TRICKY TRAY RAFFLE, 5:30 p.m. of St. Andrew’s at 1916 Refields Road, behind the rescue squad in Appomattox. Food, live music, dancing and a traditional cake walk. To purchase or reserve tickets, call the office at (434) 352-7373 or email
EXPERIENCE THE HOLIDAYS, 10 a.m. in downtown Appomattox. Witness the living history of holiday time during the Civil War, enjoy fresh food and drink from local food trucks and restaurants and listen to live music from start to finish.
APPOMATTOX CHRISTMAS MARKET, 8 a.m. to meet your Christmas shopping needs, hosted by Appomattox Christian Academy and St. Andrew’s REC at 1916 Refields Road, behind the rescue squad in Appomattox. Follow this event on Facebook. For more information, call (434) 352-7373.
CHRISTMAS BAZAAR, 10 a.m. at Farmville Rehab and Healthcare Center. If interested in renting a space, contact Debbie at (434) 607-5601.
INAUGURAL CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING CEREMONY, 4-6 p.m. at Virso Recreation and Community Center, 688 Virso Road in Meherrin. There will be face painting, music, caroling, hot chocolate, coffee, chili soup and hot dogs. Santa Claus will be in attendance.
YEARLY CHRISTMAS DINNER, 6:30 p.m. of the Curdsville Community. We will have a choir to sing carols for us. Also, we are collecting small gifts for the residents at Heritage Hall in Dillwyn such as books, soap, tooth brushes, hankies–unwrapped. All are invited to attend. Bring your favorite covered dish. Turkey and ham will be provided. Location is 122 School Road.
HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE AND SOCIAL, 5:30 p.m. at the Moton Museum Auditorium. This free community event will feature food, music, fellowship and the annual Prince Edward County Elementary School Holiday Art Exhibition. Additional parking is available across the street from Moton in the Southgate Center, along Griffin Boulevard.
ADVENT SERVICES, noon with free lunch at Payne Memorial Methodist Church. The theme is “Lifting Up the Lowly.” Our speaker will be the Rev. Woody Wood and he will speak on the topic of He Sets the Prisoner Free. The church is located at 1 Stoney Point Road in Cumberland. All are welcome.
IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE, to be presented at the Jarman Auditorium, 201 High St., Farmville on Dec. 7 and 8 at 7 p.m. and Saturday, Dec. 9 at 10 p.m.
COOKIES AND MORE EVENT, 8:30 a.m. sponsored by Farmville United Methodist Women, in the downstairs social hall of FUMC at the corner of North and High Streets. We will have lunches for dine- in or carry-out and variety of cookies, candy, baked goods, wreaths, centerpieces and seasonal crafts for sale. Bring friends to shop and dine in a Christmas atmosphere.
ADVENTURE HATS WORKSHOP, 10 a.m. with artist Annie Temmink in Winston Hall/Viar Fine Arts Center at Hampden-Sydney College.
HOMETOWN HOLIDAYS, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. downtown Farmville at the High Bridge Trail Plaza and visit Santa at the caboose.
OPEN HOUSE, 2 p.m. of The Cumberland County Historical Society at the Cumberland Museum located in the Old Clerk’s Office in Cumberland Courthouse. Little ones can visit with Santa Claus in the museum after the Christmas Parade to have refreshments. The Society will be offering its books including Volume I of Cumberland County and Its People, supplements to Volume I, and annual bulletins through 2011, and a puzzle of Cumberland County which shows historical sites within the County. These all make wonderful Christmas gifts.
COMMONWEALTH CHORALE TO PRESENT HANDEL’S MESSIAH, 3, p.m. at the Farmville United Methodist Church, 212 High St. The performance is free of charge; no tickets are required. A free-will offering will be taken during intermission. For further information on performances call (434) 392-7545 or visit the Chorale’s website at:
GOSPEL EXTRAVAGANZA, 3 p.m. at Petersville Baptist Church in New Canton. Special guests include The Jordan Sisters of Richmond, Revelation of Farmville, choirs from Mount Pero, Little Zion, and Rocky Mount Baptist Churches. Dr. Cavell Phillips will be the Master of Ceremony.
QUARTERLY MEETING, 7 p.m. of The Cumberland Missionary and Educational Conference at the Bright Hope Center located on Route 45 in Cumberland Virginia. All are invited
FREE CHRISTMAS CONCERT, 7 p.m. by the Heart of Virginia Community Band Jarman Auditorium at Longwood University. Featuring the sounds of the season for audiences of all ages to enjoy. More information visit our website at:
VENDOR FOOD SAFETY WORKSHOP, 10 a.m. at SVCC. Some Topics include On-farm safety assessment, risk assessment group activities, Virginia food laws and labeling requirements. Register by Dec. 6 by calling or emailing Eric Bowen (434) 645-9315 or
LANDSCAPE TO TABLESCAPE, 9 a.m. at Prince Edward County Extension Office, 100 Dominion Drive, Farmville. Space is limited. Pre-register by Dec. 1 by calling (434)392-2426 or
CIVIL WAR CONVERSATION, 6:30 p.m. at the American Civil War Museum, Appomattox. Reservations encouraged by calling (434) 352-5791.
COMBINED NEW YEAR’S EVE WATCH NIGHT SERVICE, 10 p.m. at Midway Baptist Church. Pastor Irma T. Watson will be delivering the Word of God and Midway Mass Choir will render the music. Please come and join us as we bring in the New Year praising our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
LIVING WITH DIABETES CLASSES, 2-4 p.m. at Prince Edward County Extension Office. Call (434) 392-4246 to register.
BEGINNER BEEKEEPING CLASSES, 7-9 p.m. at the Prince Edward County Extension office across from Lowe’s in Farmville. A hands-on session will be held on a date to be announced. For more information and to register, contact Mary Jane Morgan at (434) 315-1433 or email at
FREE LAY RESCUER TRAINING, 2-3:30 p.m. at Crossroads Community Services Board, 214 Bush River Drive, Farmville. Learn how to respond to an opioid overdose emergency. Registration is required by calling (434) 392-9461 or