SWCD Spring 2017 Conservation Awards Banquet held
Published 2:22 pm Thursday, September 28, 2017
- Pictured are, from left, front row, Shane Vencil, Samson and Addison Jones; back row, Gwynn Tyler, Randy Leach and Irene Ellis, of Mt. Rush Farm; Barry and Lisa Warner, of Cattail Creek Farm; Chase Grubbs, Emily Vaughn and Janel and Jeff Jones.
On April 25, the Peter Francisco Soil and Water Conservation District (PFSWCD) held its annual Spring Dinner/Awards Banquet in Buckingham at the B.A.R.N. Facility. Agriculture producers, landowners, educators and students from Buckingham and Cumberland were recognized. Almost 100 guests attended the program. The meal was sponsored by the district and prepared and served by Vicki’s Catering, of Rice.
Emily Vaughn, a Buckingham County High School (BCHS) 2017 graduate, was awarded the PFSWCD’s College Scholarship for $1,000. She is the daughter of Darrin and Hannah Vaughn and will be attending the University of Virginia, majoring in Environmental Sciences.
Chase Grubbs, a Cumberland County High School (CCHS) 2017 graduate, was awarded the PFSWCD’s College Scholarship for $1,000. He is the son of Todd and Glenda Grubbs and will be attending either Virginia Tech or the University of Georgia, majoring in Environmental Sciences and/or Business.
“A special thanks goes to Jennifer Abruzzo, art teacher at BCHS, and Gayle Bromer, an art teacher at Buckingham County Middle School (BCMS), for serving as judges,” officials said in the release. “James Guajardo, Brandon Enders, Teosha Taylor and Alex Wood, all from Buckingham, were recognized for attending the 2016 Youth Conservation Camp sponsored by the Virginia Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts (VASWCD).”
“The BCHS Envirothon Team was recognized for their second place award at the Area V Envirothon Competition, on April 25, and their advancement to the State Competition, on May 21-22,” officials said in the release. “The Virginia Envirothon Competition is a natural resources competition through which high school students are tested on the topics of soils, forestry, aquatics, wildlife and a current specific environmental issue. This year’s issue is invasive species.”
According to the release, they also prepare an oral presentation in which they solve real-life environmental problems. Members of the team are Jeff Wise, Daniel Wood, James Quajardo, Emily Vaughan, James Wood III, Enoch Matthews and Tyler Woodson. Team coach is Andrew Schmitt, Buckingham FFA Advisor/Agriculture and welding teacher. Shane Vencil, a teacher at the BCMS, was awarded the Conservation Education Award.
The release cited Mt. Rush Farm, owned by the Ellis Family, was awarded the Forestry Conservation Award.
“The Ellis’ were awarded for their efforts in maintaining a Stewardship Forest through the Virginia Department of Forestry (DOF),” officials said in the release. “Through this program they are more actively managing their forest and related resources for long-term stewardship of private forest lands.”
Cattail Creek Farm, owned by the Warner Family, was awarded the Wildlife Conservation Award. Barry Warner Sr. and his family were awarded for their efforts in providing wildlife habitat through the implementation of the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program, which installed 3.5 acres of native warm season grass buffers on the farm.
“These practices have brought an increase in the local wildlife; including whitetail deer, wild turkey, doves and quail,” officials said in the release.
The release cited Jones By The James Farm, of Buckingham, was presented with the Clean Water Farm Award that is offered through the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) in partnership with the PFSWCD.
“This award is given to producers who are exemplary in their actions as conservation stewards and are implementing agricultural best management practices,” officials said in the release. “The Jones Family — Jeff, Janel, Addison, Samson, Joe and Anne — were recognized for their conservation efforts to improve water quality through improved best management practices of their cattle operation. They received a blue metal sign proclaiming ‘2016 Clean Water Farm Award.’”
To view detailed pictures of each recipient and their practices/activities, visit www.peterfranciscoswcd.org and look for the Conservation Awards Dinner tab.