Performing arts take the stage
Published 9:16 am Thursday, September 28, 2017
- The September edition of the Farmville Chamber of Commerce lunch included a number of theater groups from the Heart of Virginia that spoke about upcoming shows.
Whether you want to laugh, cry, think or play along, the play’s the thing in Farmville. Upcoming performances include “Macbeth,” “Shrek The Musical,” “Lord of The Flies” and “The Rocky Horror Picture Show.”
According to a press release from the chamber, Heart of Virginia theater groups presented to a full house at the monthly Farmville Area Chamber of Commerce Lunch held Sept. 11.
In attendance were 110 chamber and community members that heard from four of the area’s theater groups, while enjoying a meal at The Woodland’s Community Center.
Shirley Hagan, of Hampden-Sydney College Theatre, promoted their upcoming events held at the college.
According to the release, Hagan disclosed one of the upcoming shows would be “Lord of the Flies.” Hagan reiterated that all showings were free and open to the public.
“Ken Arpino and Dustin Williams, of Wolfbane Productions, spoke about the growth their production has seen within the last couple years and has continued to grow,” officials said in the release. “Wolfbane Productions is based out of Appomattox and began in 2008 with a unique twist on the common theatre as it hosts an outdoor arena.”
The release cited this year the company will have a 23-week season of shows with anticipation for the 40-week season next year.
Waterworks Players Artistic Director Dudley Sauve spoke about their current 40th year and how originally the site was based out of his garage and how far it has grown. Waterworks next show is the musical “Shrek.’”
Ronda Scarrow, of the Longwood University Theatre Department, brought three students from the upcoming play, “Macbeth,” to promote their sixth show season.
“The three students were dressed in costume and talked about their personal experiences within the theatre program,” officials said in the release. “In addition, the group passed out six tickets to the crowd for their upcoming show on Saturday, Oct. 28.” The play opens on Oct. 27. Scarrow also disclosed that the theatre freshmen class is the largest thus far.
Chamber Executive Director Joy Stump shared upcoming events and announcements with the attendees. Operation Christmas Child donations will be taken in the upcoming few weeks in the Chamber of Commerce office. On Oct. 18, Third Street Brewing will host its grand opening at 6 p.m. According to the release, Stump also told attendees there were sponsorship opportunities for the Holiday House Tours and the Chamber’s Annual Awards and the New Year’s Eve Eve Event. Those interested in more information are directed to contact the Chamber of Commerce office.
The next Chamber of Commerce member meeting is Oct. 9 at 11:45 a.m. at The Woodland. State Sen. Mark Peake will speak.