Scholarships to be awarded

Published 9:25 am Thursday, March 9, 2017

The newly formed Southside Opportunity Fund will award $1,000 scholarships to students served by Southside Electric Cooperative (SEC).

According to a press release, the Southside Opportunity Fund was created by SEC’s board of directors in 2016 to support academic endeavors of students whose parents or legal guardians are members of the cooperative.

“Scholarships are available to high school seniors who will enter their first semester at a college or technical/trade school in the fall of 2017. All awarded funds must be used towards tuition, student fees, lodging/meals or textbooks,” officials said.

Email newsletter signup

Students may apply by submitting completed applications via email at, by mail (postmarked by Friday, March 31), or hand-delivery no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, March 31, to SEC’s Headquarters Office: 2000 W. Virginia Ave., Crewe, VA 23930. For complete application instructions, visit or call 1-800-552-2118.

The Third Annual SEC Opportunity Fund Golf Classic will be held on Friday, May 12, at The Manor Golf Club in Farmville. For more information about this event, contact Jacob McCann at or (434) 645-3288.

Southside Electric Cooperative is a not-for-profit, member-owned electric cooperative that serves over 55,000 homes and businesses in portions of 18 counties in Central and Southside Virginia.