Registration opens for junior 4-H camps
Published 12:06 pm Thursday, March 23, 2017
- Following the regular monthly meeting of the Buckingham 4-H Livestock Club on March 7, members visited the farm of Diane McLain where state graders from the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Scott Talley and Morgan Croft showed club members how beef cattle are graded. They also offered members tips on training and showing beef cattle. The Buckingham 4-H Livestock Club generally meets once a month where members learn about raising and showing beef cattle, hogs, sheep and goats.
Registration is now open for Junior 4-H Camps in Buckingham, Charlotte and Prince Edward counties. Camps take place at Holiday Lake 4-H Educational Center. Junior 4-H Camp is for ages 9-13 and will be held on June 12-16. Early bird cost is $205. Cloverbud weekend is an introduction to the camping experience for youth ages 5-8 and will be held June 16-18. Early bird cost is $87. Financial aid is available for camps. For Buckingham campers, contact Rochelle Clabough at or (434) 969-4261 for registration information. Applications are also available for teens and adults interested in providing leadership at camps.
Tai Chi is a non-competitive martial art known for both its defense techniques and its health benefits. Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese tradition that has evolved over centuries to become a means of alleviating stress and anxiety, a form of “meditation in motion.” Advocates claim that it promotes serenity and inner peace. Why not give it a try at Central Virginia Community Health Center (CVCHC)? Tai Chi, along with other health-related activities are offered at CVCHC. Programs include free yoga on Saturday at 11:30 a.m.; free gym use all day Sunday; Tai Chi on Tuesday at 10 a.m.; Yoga on Wednesday at 5 p.m.; and Body Attack at 6 p.m. on Thursday.
The Buckingham Extension Office is sponsoring informational sessions on “Matchmaking 101: Selecting the Right Bull for Your Cowherd.” The event will take place from 6-8 p.m. Thursday at the Buckingham BARN (located at 11851 W. James Anderson Hwy.) and will include a steak dinner and program. Information will include bull selection and EPDs by Dr. Scott Greiner, beef extension specialist, as well as cow herd evaluation by ABS and sale catalog walkthrough.
Friday, April 7 will feature a visit to Knoll Crest Farm (17659 Red House Road, Red House) from noon-2 p.m. Details will be provided on phenotype evaluation of bulls by Greiner, and heifers by Mike Henry, a representative with Amelia Area Cattlemen and a retired extension agent. Cost is $20 per person. To register, call the extension office at (434) 969-4261.
Register by Friday, March 24 with the following link:
Send $20 registration fee to Buckingham Extension Office, P.O. Box 227, Buckingham VA 23921. Checks payable to “Treasurer at Virginia Tech.”
Holiday Lake 4-H Educational Center invites you to the girl’s bathhouse ribbon cutting on Thursday. The celebration is at noon followed by lunch at 12:30 p.m. Lunch is free to all who RSVP by registering online at or calling the 4-H Center at (434) 248-5444. Following lunch, there will be a celebration recognizing the decades of previous campers and sharing stories until approximately 1:30 p.m. If you have ever camped at Holiday Lake 4-H Center, please consider attending this important event. Please help spread the word to other camp alumni.
Sherri Wise is the columnist for the Buckingham Bulletin. Her email address is and phone number is (434) 983-1393.