The Manor boosts Christmas Mother

Published 11:58 am Thursday, December 8, 2016

This is a big week for the Heart of Virginia Christmas Mother program, with its toy distribution taking place Thursday and an additional event set for Saturday.

The fundraising campaign — designed to bring Christmas to at least 200 underserved children — got an extra boost recently from The Manor Golf Course. The Manor itself donated $100, while its Senior Men’s League added $518.

“They regularly play and, as a way to make the game ‘more interesting,’ they throw money in a pot when they lose a round,” Heart of Virginia Christmas Mother campaign staffers said. “This money was collected and they all got together and decided they wanted to give it to our cause.”

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Things have gone so well, the program has exceeded its goals and was able to qualify an additional 10 children to shop with them.

According to Heart of Virginia Christmas Mother organizers, Thursday’s toy distribution at the Firemen’s Sports Arena in Farmville included gifts provided to Shelia Hight, the Christmas coordinator for Piedmont Juvenile Detention Center in Farmville.

The Farmville Herald will report on and have pictures from Thursday’s toy distribution in Wednesday’s edition and online at

(The online version of this story has been modified to delete references to an upcoming event at Applebee’s originally set for Saturday morning. A Pancake Breakfast with the Heart of Virginia Christmas Mother has been postponed until a later date.)