McAuliffe applauded on ACP
Published 12:21 pm Wednesday, November 23, 2016
A coalition of 31 Virginia businesses, labor organizations and business groups released a letter to Gov. Terry McAuliffe last week applauding his “steadfast support” for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP) project, according to a press release from the Virginia Chamber of Commerce (VCC)
The letter was released during a conference hosted by the VCC, where Republican and Democratic members of the Virginia General Assembly joined the chamber’s president and CEO Barry DuVal and several members of the EnergySure coalition.

Gov. Terry McAuliffe
If approved, the ACP project, which is being reviewed by federal regulators, would result in a 600-mile natural gas pipeline that would span Virginia after starting in West Virginia, ending in North Carolina. The pipeline would cross Buckingham County. On Monday, Buckingham planners recommended approval of a 53,515 horsepower natural gas fired compressor station to the county’s board of supervisors.
“As business and labor leaders from across Virginia, we applaud you for standing by your commitment to keep the commonwealth’s economy growing and for the unwavering support you have shown for the proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline project,” the letter states. “As members of the EnergySure coalition, a broad-based coalition of more than 200 businesses, labor groups and economic development organizations, we recognize the vital importance of the ACP to the environmental health and economic vitality of our region.”
According to a press release, the letter’s signatories include leading businesses, labor organizations and industry groups, including the Virginia Chamber of Commerce, Virginia Forest Products Association, Virginia’s Gateway Region, Chamber RVA, Petersburg Chamber of Commerce, James River Air, Virginia Poultry Federation, Virginia State Building & Construction Trades Council, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local Union 80 and International Brotherhood of Boilermakers Local Union 45, among others.
“The letter highlights the major economic benefits of the ACP, including the creation of 8,800 jobs, $1.4 billion in economic activity and $2.4 million in annual tax revenue during the two-year construction period,” officials stated in the release. “Once in operation, the pipeline is also expected to support $38 million in annual economic activity, 1,300 new jobs and more than $10 million in local tax revenue for the 13 Virginia cities and counties along the proposed route.”