Longwood Garden Club meets

Published 12:16 pm Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Chris Rogers, owner of B&M Greenhouse in Farmville, spoke to the Longwood Garden Club on Oct. 24. His talk focused on new trends in plants and horticulture. Kerry Mossler and Joy Stump served as co-hostesses of the meeting. The awards for the October Longwood Garden Club meeting include:

• “Play with the Flowers — A Synergistic Arrangement” — Blue ribbons: Shirley Blackwell, Harlan Horton and Ann Morton Neale. Red ribbons: Marianne Dennison, Julie Shield and Pam Wilson. White ribbon: Anne Latane Schwabe.

• Horticulture — Blue ribbons: Shirley Blackwell, Marianne Dennison, Harlan Horton, Reed Horton, Peggy Kelsey, Julie Shield, David Whaley and Pam Wilson. Red ribbons: Kerry Mossler, Ann Morton Neale and Chuck Ross.

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