Hillary, Obama had chances
Published 11:36 am Thursday, November 17, 2016
When Gen. Lee surrendered to Gen. Grant at Appomattox, the soldiers in the Union Army fired shots of celebration. Grant silenced them saying, “The Rebels are our countrymen again … and I see no point in humiliating them.” And so it should be with Hillary supporters.
Whatever good things Hillary did while in public office will not be remembered as much as Benghazi, unsecured e-mail and pay-for-play as secretary of state.
Hillary may deserve credits, but those credits could not atone for the abuse of the power of her office. Hillary herself made the message that was so different between Hillary and Trump clear. Trump had a message of inclusion inviting people of color to join in while Hillary defined Trump supporters as deplorable and unredeemable. That slap to tens of millions of Americans was hypocritical and in stark contrast to her “Stronger Together” slogan.
There were enough Trump supporters who have had enough of politics as usual. Those who voted for Trump may have done so biting their lip. Biting the lip was still better than gnashing of teeth. Comey and Loretta Lynch may not have held Hillary to an accounting, but the voters did. Obama had his chance for “Hope and Change” that extinguished hope and if anything, changed things for the worse. Let those who like, dislike or who are skeptical about Trump step back and see if America can become great again. Voters destroyed “politics as usual” in this election. Let’s see what rises from the ashes.
Karl Schmidt