Hartz was ‘inaccurate’
Published 10:24 am Thursday, April 21, 2016
I found the guest column of Leslie Hartz (“A commitment to the community,” March 16) in The Farmville Herald on the impact of the Proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP) to be misleading and inaccurate.
It is astounding audacity that would lead one to proclaim Dominion as being trustworthy.
I have no trust or confidence in a corporation that pollutes the James River with toxic coal ash waste. I have no confidence in a corporation that would build an unneeded gas pipeline.
Dominion distorts the facts about pipeline safety while taking the land of rural Virginians. Responsible stewards of the environment do not propose to destroy millions of trees in order to profit from gas sales to Asian markets.
Entrusted stewards do not deceive the U.S. Forest Service with unqualified “experts” in evaluating field conditions.
Good neighbors? It was Dominion that hired deputies to ensure that the discussions would maintain the Dominion perspective. Do good neighbors identify two locations for a huge compressor station which are five miles apart?
It does not suggest confidence that Dominion is capable of building this project in a responsible or safe fashion.
The open house presentations are as phony as the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).
Dominion distorts our legislators and regulators with money wrenched from the hands of Virginia’s poorest.
End it now. Build a sustainable future and reject the corrupting force known as Dominion.
Quinn Robinson