Editorial shocks opponent

Published 2:58 pm Tuesday, March 8, 2016


I‘m shocked at your editorial, “Our take on the pipeline,” published on Feb. 25, which states that “that the proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP) is going to benefit Buckingham, Cumberland and Prince Edward counties. The positives outweigh the negatives, which, no doubt, are evident.”

Evidently, you missed reading the Buckingham County Economic Impact Study by KeyLog Economics.

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Briefly, according to the study, one-time costs imposed by the ACP (property value and ecosystem services during construction) would be between $8.8 million and $20.8 million.

Annual losses could range from $4.2 million to $7.1 million.

The proposed ACP project, according to Dominion’s projected annual income (see following excerpt) for Buckingham County of $24,500-$1.2 million creates a loss to the county of $3 million-$6 million.

According to “Pipeline would bring millions in property tax revenue” (Wednesday, Dec. 3, 2014,) in The Herald’s coverage area, “the least amount of tax revenue would come in 2016, with Buckingham seeing $24,500, Cumberland getting $11,500, and Prince Edward receiving $4,000. The counties’ greatest collection year would be seen in 2022, according to the chart, with Buckingham receiving $1,156,500, $441,000 for Cumberland, and Prince Edward getting $153,500.”

I hope you will endeavor to maintain your credibility at The Herald by basing your editorials on facts.

Kenda Hanuman
