Cumberland board changes procurement policy

Published 2:33 pm Tuesday, January 5, 2016

CUMBERLAND — County supervisors in Cumberland unanimously agreed to raise the monetary limit within the county’s purchasing policy during a special called meeting on Dec. 21.

The board changed the maximum $30,000 threshold to $50,000 in allowing county purchases from non-governmental sources after soliciting a minimum of two written quotes.

The policy applies to purchases where the estimated total cost of the materials, equipment, supplies, shipping, insurance, construction or services are not expected to exceed the new $50,000 limit.

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“Purchases from non-governmental sources where the estimated cost of the goods or services is $2,000 or greater but less than $20,000 may be made after soliciting a minimum of two verbal or documents telephonic quotations,” the changed policy reads. Supervisors brought the original $15,000 threshold to $20,000.

District Three Supervisor Kevin Ingle said that given the last time the policy was amended and inflation that “all of it should be addressed.”