PE native publishes children’s book
Published 12:22 pm Wednesday, December 30, 2015
- Prince Edward Native and published author Dapo Akers poses with his Feel the ‘Ville shirt from one of his recent videos inspired by themes in Farmville and Louisville, Ky.
Prince Edward County native Dapo Akers has released a children’s book titled “The Adventures of ROBIN from the HOOD.”
“I came out of [Prince Edward County High School] in 1981; however, my name was Bruce Akers then,” he said.
“After serving in the military my life went downhill. For over 20 years I faced the worst life had to offer. After having a spiritual/ethnic awakening, I began traveling the road to recovery. I’ve been fortunate enough to meet people, some famous, some not, to assist me.”
According to Akers, his books deal with the taboo subject of drugs and overcoming challenges.
Although Akers currently lives in Louisville, Ky., he said Farmville is never far from his mind.

Prince Edward Native Dapo Akers, recently released The Adventures of ROBIN from the HOOD: A Place to Play. The children’s book discusses drugs and overcoming life’s obstacles.
He said he recently created a video called “Feel the ‘Ville,” drawing inspiration from the towns of Farmville and Louisville.
“Since I’ve been living in larger cities, I’ve noticed that the younger generation do not respect a human life. In Louisville, where I now reside, there have been 89 murders this year alone and over half of them have been committed by our youths against our youths,” Akers said.
“The purpose of me writing this series is to try and change the way our youths are thinking in order for them to become productive members of our society. We must realize that our future leaders are among them.”
Akers studied African history for about 25 years and moved to Louisville three years ago for a fresh start from his old lifestyle, including a past involving drug use.
“Whether it’s writing children’s books or rap songs, Dapo’s passion for helping others create a better life always shines through. We couldn’t be prouder to represent Dapo and his work,” said Coleen Liebsch, president of PS Publishing, which published Akers’ book.
Liesbsch said Akers’ book is part of a PS Publishing’s Books 4 Kids program.
She said the program places an emphasis on teaching kindness, anti-bullying and respect for others.
“Dapo’s book was a perfect fit with as many facets as the author himself,” Liesbsch said.
In the book, the main character Robin and his gang attempt to stand up to a drug lord in the neighborhood in order to save a community center.
“Big Money is a drug dealer of the worst kind; he steals the children of the community’s childhood. He gets them hooked on his drugs and then forces them to work for him in order to support their habits. Robin and his band of merry men, known as the doctors, vow to give the children back their childhood at the expense of the one who stole it from them,” states a description of the book on the publisher’s website.
“I now reside in Louisville … however, Farmville will always be my home,” Akers said.
Akers’ books can be purchased by visiting