Board approves funds for drug task force
Published 12:25 pm Wednesday, December 30, 2015
BUCKINGHAM — Supervisors in Buckingham unanimously agreed to allocate $2,800 from the sheriff’s drug account to the Piedmont Regional Narcotic and Gang Enforcement Task Force recently.
According to Buckingham Sheriff William G. “Billy” Kidd Jr., the money will be used to purchase drugs in undercover buys.
“From Dec. 28, 2014, until Oct. 31, 2015, [the] task force has arrested 382, 369 of which were felonies. The total value of the drugs seized in that time period [were] $146,698,” Kidd said.
“Since the last time the task force met, there have been several more arrests and seizures … I just want to let you know what this money’s doing,” he said.