Published 5:28 am Wednesday, November 4, 2015




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In execution of a deed of trust executed by Grantor dated March 10, 2004, and recorded in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court for the County of Prince Edward, Virginia, as Instrument No. 200400635, the undersigned, Jill C. Dickerson, Sole Acting

Trustee, will offer for sale at public auction at the front entrance of the Prince Edward County Court House, located on Main Street, Farmville, Virginia on the 30th day of November, 2015, 10:00 a.m., the property described in said deed of trust, lying in the County of Prince Edward, State of Virginia, and more particularly described as follows:

ALL THAT CERTAIN lot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate, lying and being in Prospect Magisterial District, Prince Edward County, Virginia, being the southeastern corner of the remainder of a tract of 7.l65 acres, and described as commencing at a point on the north side of U.S. Highway 460 and in the center of a road leading to Frank Gilliam where the herein conveyed property and property of Donald Phillips corner of U.S. Highway 460; thence along the center of said road north 40 deg. 12 min. west a distance of 320 ft. to a point in the center of the road; thence is a southwesterly direction 135 ft. to an iron pin; thence running in a southeasterly direction 290 ft. to an iron pin on U.S. Highway 460; thence running in a northeasterly direction along Highway 460 200 ft. to the point of beginning.

The property shall be sold with all Improvements located thereon.

Terms:  The purchase price in the form of immediately available funds shall be due and payable on the closing date.  A deposit in the form of immediately available funds in the amount of 10% of the sale price may be required of the successful bidder at the time of sale.  The trustee reserves the right to waive or modify the requirements with respect to the bidder’s deposit.  The successful bidder will be required to close within fifteen days from the date of sale.  Time will be of the essence as to the closing date and the payment of the purchase price.

The property shall be sold “AS IS” with no representations or warranties of any kind whatsoever including, but not limited to, zoning, structural integrity, habitability, construction, physical condition, topography, acreage, soil type or content, environmental condition, fitness for a particular purpose or merchantability of all or any part of the property, or availability of public utilities, SUBJECT TO all easements, subdivision plats, rights of way, agreements, declarations, reservations, covenants, conditions and restrictions and other matters of record as they may lawfully affect the property and subject to any information a survey or inspection of the property would disclose.  The Purchaser shall pay all costs of closing, recording (excluding Grantor’s Tax), and conveyancing, which shall be by Special Warranty Deed.  Real estate taxes will be pro-rated as of the date of the foreclosure sale.

Delivery of possession of the property will not be performed by the undersigned Trustee but will be the responsibility of the Purchaser.  The Purchaser will be required to execute an Agreement of Sale concerning the purchase of the property, a copy of which will be available immediately before announcing the auction.

In the event that the Purchaser fails to complete settlement as required, the Deposit shall be retained and applied to the costs of the sale, including the undersigned Trustee’s fees, with the remaining balance delivered to the Noteholder to be applied against amounts secured by the Deed of Trust, and the Property shall be resold at the risk and expense of the defaulting Purchaser.  Such retention of the Deposit shall not limit any rights or remedies of the undersigned Trustee or Noteholder with respect to such default.  Such undersigned Trustee and/or the Noteholder may avail themselves of any legal or equitable rights against the defaulting Purchaser.

GIVEN under my hand this 30th day of October, 2015.

Jill C. Dickerson

Sole Acting Trustee

For Information Contact:

Jill C. Dickerson


117 North Main Street

Farmville, Virginia  23901

(434) 392-1422
