Libraries lead to great contributions
Published 12:28 pm Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Thanks to Frank Howe (“Libraries are resourceful for communities,” Nov. 6) for supplying much-needed facts to Fillmer Hevener after his dreadful comparison of a library to an outhouse (“Libraries are outdated,” Oct. 30).
Sure, you can get lots of information from a computer at home (if you happen to own one and know how to use it), but in no way can it replace the community use of a library.
One small example is how the library ran a literacy center using volunteers. There I met an immigrant who spoke no English. Using the library’s resources, we began the slow process of her learning to read.
Time passed, and she brought other immigrants to the library to use books that made it possible for the newcomers to understand American life.
The outcome? Her two daughters (who spoke no English at first) graduated with honors, went on to graduate from Virginia Tech and The College of William and Mary and are currently contributing greatly to our American society.
Without the library none of this would have been possible.
The same miracle occurs daily right now if we just take the time to look.
Martha Dorrill