Farmville Police Activity Report

Published 1:07 pm Thursday, November 5, 2015

October 26

• 1800 block of Peery Drive for a shoplifter.

• 400 block of Doswell Street for a medical call.

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October 28

• Westview Cemetery for a possible vandalism.

October 29

• 200 block of High Street for a drunk in public.

October 30

• 1200 block of West Third Street for a structure fire.

• Buffalo Street for a drunk in public.

• 300 block of First Avenue for a loud noise complaint.

• 400 block of Buffalo Street for a loud noise complaint.

• 2600 block of West Third Street for an open door. Unfounded.

• 600 block of Buffalo Street for a loud noise complaint.

October 31

• 400 block of Buffalo Street for a loud noise complaint.

• 300 block of South Virginia Street for a loud noise complaint.

• 400 block of Putney Street for vandalism to a yard.

• 300 block of South Main Street for a structure fire.

• 1400 block of South Main Street for a medical call.

• 200 block of St. George Street for a loud noise  complaint.

• Appomattox Street for a loud noise complaint.

November 1

• Buffalo Street for a drunk in public.

• 100 block of Appomattox Street for a loud noise complaint.  Unfounded.

• 200 block of Parkview Drive for a loud noise complaint.