Centra offers Winter Wonderland at LCVA
Published 8:48 am Friday, November 27, 2015
- A Winter Wonderland of holiday arts and crafts activities awaits local children at the Dec. 5 workshop at LCVA.
Bundle up for the cold winter season and join the Longwood Center for the Visual Arts on Saturday, Dec. 5, from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m, for the annual Centra Southside free family workshop Winter Wonderland. LCVA’s Lower Level will be transformed into a wintry forest scene. Take a stroll through a winter wonderland decorated with woodland animals and sparkly snowflakes while children visit multiple art activity stations along the way.
The workshop contains a variety of holiday-themed arts and crafts activities the whole family will enjoy as well as light refreshments. Supplies and skilled volunteers will be on hand (children must be accompanied by an adult).
Winter Wonderland is part of a series of free family workshops offered by LCVA. Workshops are designed to bring the family together in an enriching and creative environment to celebrate annual events throughout the year.
Centra Southside Community Hospital is sponsoring this event.