Buckingham FFA competes in Virginia State Fair

Published 12:23 pm Tuesday, November 10, 2015

The Buckingham High School FFA competed in several competitions at the Virginia State Fair on Sept. 30 and Oct. 1. 

Alexandra O’Neill competed in the Horticulture Demonstration Contest, explaining the uses of the plant greater plantain.  Amanda Bryan demonstrated how to ear tag livestock and explained the benefits for doing so in the Agriscience Demonstration Contest.

Competing in the Lawn Tractor Operators Contest was Trevor Agee.  As a part of the contest Trevor had to complete an exam with questions about safety, mechanics and lawn care.  Agee also had to identify parts of a lawn tractor and types of grasses before driving the lawn tractor in an obstacle course. 

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The Forestry Field Day team consisted of the two-man crosscut saw, bow saw, log toss, log roll and water accuracy contests.  Shane Catlett and Jakob Toney manned the crosscut saw, Anthony Banton worked the bow saw, Lucas Smith competed in the log toss event, Trevor Agee and Clayton Smith were on the log rolling team and Alyssa Gentry competed in the water accuracy event.


Among the scholarship winners were Amanda Bryan (third place) and Trevor Agee (eighth).