BDGC assists 4-H with floral arrangements
Published 8:37 am Friday, November 27, 2015
- Pictured with some of arrangements ready to go to the fair, are, from left, flower arranger Emma Wallace, garden club members Jackie Fairbarns, Glenda Harris and Mike Fairbarns, Rachel Bardon, Eve Moxley, Minnie Wallace and 4-H volunteer Charlene Bardon.
On Sept. 20, the Buckingham-Dillwyn Garden Club participated in a joint activity with the Buckingham 4-H Club.
Members of the club presented tips and techniques for flower arranging within specific themes. The enthusiastic young students created a total of 21 different flower arrangements in many categories suitable for entering in the Five County Fair flower show. Nineteen ribbons (including 10 blue) were awarded for their entries.
Garden club members and the 4-H provided a wide variety of cultivated flowers, wildflowers and dried and green materials. The club and the 4-H also provided containers in many sizes, colors and designs.
Co-Presidents Barbara Wheeler and Glenda Harris head the Buckingham-Dillwyn Garden Club and Ruth Wallace is 4-H youth development and unit coordinator for Buckingham County Extension Office.