Peaks of Otter trip highlights week’s events

Published 5:39 pm Thursday, October 29, 2015

“The brook would lose its song if the rocks were removed.”

Remember time falls back this Sunday, so set your clocks back Saturday night when you go to bed. We finally get back to Eastern Standard Time, thank goodness.

Wishing you a very happy and safe Halloween!

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Mrs. Pat Smith stopped in to see Mrs. Rita Utzinger Friday afternoon.  The ladies enjoyed sitting on the Utzinger’s newly refurbished deck while they visited.

On Saturday Mrs. Pat Smith traveled to Lynchburg with 11 other ladies from Calvary Chapel Farmville Church for all day Women’s Conference at Calvary Chapel Lynchburg.

Twelve members of Appomattox P.E. Presbyterian Church participated in Stop Hunger Now Saturday at Farmville Presbyterian Church. Meals consisting of soy, veggies and rice are sent too many countries to feed the less fortunate.

Sanctuary flowers on Sunday at Appomattox P.E. Presbyterian Church were given by the Mottley family in loving memory of Faye Mottley (Nana Fay).

Mrs. Flora Bolt, Mrs. Judy Bolt and Jennifer Bolt attended the Farmville/Prince Edward Historical Society meeting on Tuesday with Gerry Spates as guest speaker. Chris Bolt helped Spates show his Civil War items. Following the program Chris Bolt treated his grandmother Flora Bolt, mother Judy Bolt and sister, Jennifer Bolt to dinner at the La Parota Grill.

On Sunday Mrs. Flora Bolt, Haley Murdock and Jennifer Bolt were luncheon guests of Mrs. Judy Bolt.

Richard and Margaret Stockton were accompanied by Don and Betty Meadows and George and Shirley Moore to the Peaks of Otter restaurant on Tuesday for lunch. On the way they stopped at Gross’s Orchard for apples, apple cider, F.R.O.G jam and a ride around the orchard on a wagon. They returned home by way of the Parkway to Lynchburg and down US 460. This was a beautiful day for a trip.

Friends and neighbors are praying for a speedy recovery for Rebecca Goin, Billy Allen, Nancy Dickerson, Phyllis Jenkins Polhemus, Hilda Friend, Elfrieda Kerns, Betty Jean Bolt and Mildred Harvey Shanks.

The members of Appomattox P.E. Presbyterian Church at Tuggle invite you to worship. The Rev. Chuck Klotzberger will be there Sunday.

The membership of Davis Memorial Presbyterian Church at Prospect invites you to worship with Sunday School at 10 a.m. and worship at 11 a.m. The Rev. Caitilin R. Hoy will be there Sunday.

Calvary Chapel-Farmville, 302 Industrial Park Road, invites you to worship Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and Bible Study on Wednesday at 7 p.m. 

Happy Birthday to those celebrating in November (birthstone is Topaz and flower is the chrysanthemum): Karen Fulcher (1), Laurie Allen Justus of Damascus (2), Francis Wood (4), Carolyn Dove (4), Wanda Hamlett (6, Ben Agee (6), Kelly Agee Redford (6), Tommy Spain of Richmond (8), Ken Brisentine (9), Judy Jamieson (9), Pearl Fulcher (9), Charles Allen (10), Jean Derrenbacker of Chesterfield (12), Lloyd McKay (17), Margaret Stockton (18), Wanda Whitus (19), Rion Motley of Hampton (19), Eloise Foster (24), Liz Manis (24), Dot Gillespie (25), Dana Franklin (25), Terry M. Avent (27), Linda Franklin (28), Sandra Robinson of Baltimore (28), Gene Southall (29), Lavera Wilkerson (30), Cindy Southall (30, Richard McClintock (30) and Bonnie Oswald (30).                         

Happy anniversary to Lloyd and Betty Mull (18).

To contribute to the News, call (434) 392-6431.

MARGARET STOCKTON is the Tuggle News columnist. Her email is