Jamieson corrects factual errors
Published 11:20 am Tuesday, October 20, 2015
I need to correct several errors contained in my column (“Voter ID is necessary for sound elections,” Oct. 16).
The sources for my claims of voter fraud were not thoroughly researched, and led to the following errors:
• Votes in Wood County, Ohio, did not exceed the number of registered voters. The voter registration rolls had been inflated by the number of college students’ registrations not being removed long after their graduation.
• In St. Lucie County and Palm Beach County, Fla., the votes were registered on two-page (or card) ballots and when the recount was conducted, many of the two page ballots were incorrectly counted as votes. This also accounted for the reported “over vote” at the National SEAL museum.
• Barack Obama didn’t lose in every state that has voter ID laws.
John Jamieson