Election 2015: Buckingham’s District One Board of Supervisors seat

Published 1:58 pm Thursday, October 22, 2015

Dennis Davis Jr. Independent candidate

Dennis Davis Jr.

Dennis Davis Jr.

What do you think is the biggest challenge facing Buckingham and how do you intend to address it?

Economic growth and jobs. We need to make it easier for small businesses to operate in Buckingham County.

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What new steps do you propose the county take to attract more jobs and businesses to Buckingham?

Reach out to companies to show them the benefits of operating in Buckingham County.

What is your opinion on the proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline?

I support the pipeline and think it would generate income for local businesses and create jobs.

The county recently voted to remove the word ‘Buckingham’ from the annual vehicle decals. Should the county keep the decals?

I support doing away with the decals altogether.

The county is considering options relating to a new public library. Do you think a new or renovated library is needed in Buckingham? Why or why not?

I support a new or renovated library. Libraries are important to the county residents and help support a growing community.

Robert C. “Bobby” Jones

Independent candidate

R.C. "Bobby" Jones

R.C. “Bobby” Jones

What do you think is the biggest challenge facing Buckingham and how do you intend to address it?

The biggest problem in Buckingham at this time is the trash disposal. We need to close some and man the rest.

The county recently voted to remove the word ‘Buckingham’ from the annual vehicle decals. Should the county keep the decals?

The county needs to keep the county decals.

What is your opinion on the proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline?

The Atlantic Coast Pipeline will be good for the county.

What new steps do you propose the county take to attract more jobs and businesses to Buckingham?

The county needs to be more inviting to big business.

The county is considering options relating to a new public library. Do you think a new or renovated library is needed in Buckingham? Why or why not?

Renovate the library for two to three more years, then build the new one.

The economy is not ready yet for the new one to be built — however, it will be necessary in the future.