Christian runs as write-in candidate
Published 11:38 am Tuesday, October 13, 2015
- Ramona Christian
Ramona Christian has announced that she’s seeking election to the Buckingham County School Board’s District One seat.
No one will appear on the ballot for the race as no candidates filed prior to the deadline.
“The main part of my platform is about the children and the citizens of Buckingham County”, Christian said in a statement. “As a parent of two graduates, I understand the importance of public education. The teachers and staff work hard to provide the best quality education available to the students of our county. I would like to support that work ethic and continue to foster a positive work environment. I will support and hold us accountable for becoming fully accredited,” she said in a statement.
She said Buckingham’s children are “just as capable, just as smart as the rest of the children in the country. They deserve our best everyday as they give us their best in and out of the classroom,” Christian said.
The candidate said that she would fight for the taxpayers of Buckingham “who are forced to pay for unfunded federal mandates. I will fight for our children to increase the quality of our school lunches. There is a way to offer our children a healthy meal that is also edible. The only hot meal some of our students may get during a day is at school,” she said.
“If I am elected, the citizens of District One will have a voice at the local, state and federal level. Our children deserve the best we can offer,” Christian said.
For 20 years, Christian said she has been an avid volunteer in the school division.
“She is currently the president of the Buckingham County High School Athletic Boosters and has volunteered tirelessly at the high school with various clubs including the Student Council Association (SCA) and Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) and the athletic department.”
Christian said she served as the Arvonia United Methodist Church youth group director for the past 20 years and previously was the Buckingham County Youth League’s cheerleading director.
The election is Nov. 3.