Buckingham’s District Four Board of Supervisors seat

Published 11:15 am Tuesday, October 27, 2015

John Staton

Independent candidate

John Staton

John Staton

What is your opinion on the proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline?

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Federal law supersedes state law and state law supersedes county law. [We’ve] done all we can do. We sent a resolution to FERC [the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission] and didn’t even get a reply.

What do you think is the biggest challenge facing Buckingham and how do you intend to address it?

Development of jobs! By finding and helping as many companies as we can to locate in the county.

It is extremely hard to get a big company with, say, 200-plus jobs to locate anywhere.

I would rather have 20 smaller companies with 20 jobs.

It would be more diverse, and changes in the economy would be spread out.

If you had a large company close up and you lost 200 jobs it would be catastrophic. If you lost one company out of 20 you would lose 20 jobs.

“Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.”

What new steps do you propose the county take to attract more jobs and businesses to Buckingham?

We have a committee in place made up of citizens and business leaders that work on development issues.

I facilitated a meeting between VDOT and affected landowners to develop Sprouses Corners. Let’s see where that goes. We are working now to develop the infrastructure necessary for development (water and sewer).

We also joined the [Virginia] Growth Alliance.

The county is considering options relating to a new public library. Do you think a new or renovated library is needed in Buckingham? Why or why not?

Yes! Because of all the services it provides, to all the the citizens of the county, young and old.

The county recently voted to remove the word ‘Buckingham’ from the annual vehicle decals. Should the county keep the decals?


All the comments received want to keep it the way it is.

Republican candidate Morgan Dunnavant did not respond.