Vaughan named state FFA president
Published 8:08 pm Tuesday, August 4, 2015
- Chandler Vaughan
Randolph-Henry High School graduate Chandler Vaughan has been selected to serve as president of the Virginia FFA (Future Farmers of America) organization. A 2015 graduate, Vaughan first joined the local FFA program in seventh grade.
During his middle school years Vaughan studied plant science and became the president of the middle school chapter in eighth grade. His interest in the FFA program remained strong throughout his high school years where he held several offices. In 10th grade Vaughan served as secretary of the FFA, was vice president in the 11th grade, and served as president during his senior year.
Upon graduation from Randolph-Henry he was accepted into Virginia Tech to study Agra-Business but chose to set aside his college education for one year while he served as president of the state FFA program.
“There are 8,887 FFA members in the state,” Vaughan told The Charlotte Gazette this week. “I will soon be traveling around the state visiting all the FFA chapters to help develop those members in areas of premiere leadership, personal growth and career success.”
In addition, Vaughan will participate in the National FFA Convention in late October in Louisville, Ky., and will take part in an international FFA trip.
The national and international trips, as well as his work within the state, are all designed to promote the agriculture industry and teach young people about the importance of achieving whatever goal they set for themselves.
“I’m looking forward to getting to know the FFA members across the state and helping them accomplish their goals in agriculture programs or any other activity they choose,” Vaughan said. “Along with my fellow officers, I will be representing the Agriculture industry as an ‘ag-vocate’ to promote education and help students throughout the state. I am honored to serve as the state FFA president and look forward to serving in that position for the next year.”
Vaughan’s term as Virginia FFA president runs through the summer of 2016. After his term ends, he plans to begin his college career at Virginia Tech where he was undergoing training for the FFA position this week.
Chandler Vaughan is the third State FFA president in the history of the organization from Randolph-Henry High School. Cindy Fannon, served in that position from 1988 to 1989, and the first local graduate to obtain that spot was Thomas Garnett, who served from 1958 to 1959.