Columnist’s outrage questioned
Published 11:53 am Thursday, August 27, 2015
Rev. Furman Joye, in his column “Where is America’s outcry?” (Wednesday, Aug. 12), exaggerates the number of abortions performed in the U.S. According to the Centers for Disease Control, 730,322 abortions were done in 2011. This comes out to 2,000 per day, not the 3,000 he claims.
The video that is the basis of Rev. Joye’s outrage at Planned Parenthood was edited in three places by a conservative group out to discredit it. The full video shows instead a discussion of the reimbursement cost for consensual, legal tissue donations.
I’d like to know where he gets his facts that a majority of the American people find gay marriage “biblically wrong.” According to a Gallup poll in May of this year, 60 percent say gay marriage should be valid and only 37 percent think it should be invalid.
I find it rather hypocritical that Rev. Joye finds that the Charleston murders by a white Christian is not domestic terrorism but the act of a deranged man, while a similar act by a Muslim man off his meds was performed by a “Muslim terrorist sympathizer.”
Rev. Joye claims that the Confederate flag is a symbol of Southern pride and does not represent racism. If that is so, why is it that white racists waive the Confederate flag at every opportunity? Where is his outrage over this “misuse” of the flag?
Here’s one example of needed outrage for Rev. Joye: So far this year, 108 unarmed Americans have been killed by police. Where’s the outrage?
James Peca