New Pipeline Route Will ‘Compromise’ Yogaville
Published 11:47 am Tuesday, July 21, 2015
BUCKINGHAM — Satchidananda Ashram-Yogaville has announced its opposition to the route change adopted by Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP) LLC — one that places the project closer to their community.
“I know that this pipeline is not in the best interests of our community, or any community,” said Ernest Moore, the executive director of Satchidananda Ashram-Yogaville. “Having been born and raised in West Texas, and having had firsthand experience in welding pipelines there, I know the dangers and contamination involved.”
Moore said that the risks associated with the proposed 42-inch natural gas pipeline and the compressor station “will compromise Yogaville’s ability to conduct our religious practices, as well as our ability to serve the thousands who come here every year for their health, healing and spiritual renewal.”
In the release, Yogaville said that “not only are we concerned about our residents and visitors, we are concerned about our neighbors and all the people in West Virginia, Virginia and North Carolina whose lives will be negatively impacted by the pipeline.”
According to the release, Yogaville is an active partner of a growing coalition that stands against the ACP. “We ask other concerned citizens join us to stand for clean air, clean water, safety and private property rights.”
Dominion is the lead partner of a joint venture that is seeking approval from the federal government to construct the pipeline through West Virginia, Virginia and North Carolina. Under the proposal, an over 40,000 horsepower natural gas-fired compressor station would be built in Buckingham.