Reader Criticizes The President Of The United States Of America
Published 1:44 pm Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Editor, The Herald:
Let me get this straight!
They behead our innocent journalists!
The bleeding heart liberals cry, including the POTUS (President of the United States), and he stops water-boarding because it is cruel and inhumane!
The Democratic Senator from Missouri appears on television decrying the practice of water-boarding and she and the other Democrats in the Senate are anxious to release the report condemning the CIA. If she made half as much effort to condemn the beheadings as she is doing in condemning the CIA, I might not question her loyalty to the United States quite as much! Is this just plain stupidity, or disloyalty? In fact, I wonder how many Al Qaeda members we have in the Senate and the House pretending to be loyal Americans?
We give them five top Jihadist leaders. They give us one sorry deserter! Then we do our best to make him a hero!
A Muslim Major in the United States Army shoots our troops in Fort Hood, Texas while shouting Muslim phrases. Our POTUS calls it “workplace violence”.
They don’t want us in their country until they are in trouble. Then they want us to come in and save their sorry butts !
We leave the border wide open, inviting the Jihadists in. The POTUS wants to give Amnesty to everyone already here!
They are making plans to raise their flag over the White House. The POTUS has no strategy to deal with the threat! A “Community Organizer” never has a strategy to deal with world affairs!
If these few incidents that I have pointed out don’t make the “loyal Democrats” stop and realize what a mess the Democrats have made of our government then nothing will! If we don’t stop voting based on color or party affiliation, and start voting for individuals that can and will turn this country around, we are doomed to being relegated to “Third World status”. I believe with all my heart that this is what our wonderful POTUS wants!
And, believe it or not, if it is possible, Hillary would be worse!
Furman Joye