Four Citizen Input Meeting Set For Comp Plan Update
Published 2:59 pm Tuesday, September 30, 2014
BUCKINGHAM — Four community meetings are scheduled for next week to gather citizen input for the Buckingham County Comprehensive Plan—a vision that the County is currently updating with assistance from the Commonwealth Regional Council (CRC).
“It’s to get citizen input, to allow them an opportunity…to be heard as far as their long-term vision for the county,” noted the CRC Executive Director Mary Hickman, who added that the meetings also serve to inform the public about the activities that have been completed on the plan.
The meetings will be held in the Peter Francisco Auditorium of the County Administration Complex on Route 60 in Buckingham on Tuesday, October 7 at 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, October 8 at 1:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m., and on Thursday, October 9 at 6:30 p.m.
“We’re actually going to have two break-out work sessions,” Hickman offered. “One is where we will get input from attendees…about the positive things, the negative things, (the) visionary-type things, and then there’ll be a mapping exercise where they’ll have an opportunity to provide input on where growth-areas are and areas they’d like to see facilities located.”
“Staff from the CRC will make a brief presentation on the process,” she explained, noting that a question and answer session would follow.
Hickman calls the meetings an opportunity for Buckingham citizens “…to tell us what they’d like to see as the county’s vision for the future and get their ideas.”
The Code of Virginia requires that localities review the plan every five years.
For more information on the meetings, contact Hickman or Todd Fortune at the Commonwealth Regional Council at 434-392-6104 or Buckingham’s Zoning and Planning Administrator Rebecca S. Cobb at 434-969-4242.