Appoint Eggleston To Town Council

Published 1:48 pm Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Editor, The Herald:

I am writing to encourage the Farmville Town Council to appoint Carl Eggleston to the at-large Council seat that will be empty now that David Whitus was elected Mayor. Mr. Eggleston ran an excellent campaign in the recent Mayor’s race, with ads that told voters all the things he stands for.

Above all, Mr. Eggleston stands for the idea of “Creating One Farmville.” We know he means it because he went to every neighborhood in town while he was campaigning and asked us what we needed. That shows that he will continue to represent all the citizens.

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Mr. Eggleston got votes from all the Wards in the election. Town Council, show that you care about what the people want and appoint Carl Eggleston to fill Mr. Whitus’ at-large seat on Council.

Donald W. Smith
