Trents Mill News

Published 8:13 am Friday, January 31, 2014

Jan. 30 – Belated Happy Birthday wishes are sent out to Pat Hawks, of Cumberland. She celebrated her birthday on Monday, Jan. 27.

Happy Birthday wishes go out to Ella R. Snoddy, 90, of New Canton, celebrating on Saturday, Feb. 1; Bonnie Worley, of Cumberland, celebrating on Sunday, Feb. 2; Rachel Worley, of Cumberland, celebrating on Monday, Feb. 3; Gladys Toney, of Richmond, celebrating on Wednesday, Feb. 5, and Carolyn Whitehead, of Dillwyn, celebrating on Thursday, Feb. 6.

Jimmy and Judy Cogdill, of Powhatan, visited in the home of his mother, Ruby Cogdill, in Cumberland on Saturday, Jan. 25.

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Hello this week to our dear friend in Christ, Ella Mae Dunn, of Farmville.

Happy Anniversary wishes are sent out to Luther and Barbara Davis, of Arvonia, celebrating their 50th (Golden Anniversary) on Saturday, Feb. 1; Jerry and Barbara Heifner, of Dillwyn, celebrating on Sunday, Feb. 2, and Frank and Bernice Baird, of Dillwyn, celebrating on Wednesday, Feb. 5.

Larry and Barbara Barone, of Cumberland, along with others, celebrated their daughter, Jan Crawley’s birthday with her husband, Toney, at a Farmville restaurant on Friday, Jan. 24. Everyone had a great time.

Our thoughts and prayers for a continued speedy recovery to all those who are sick and shut-in everywhere.

Elaine Myers, of Dillwyn, visited in the home of Annie May Miles in Dillwyn, Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 28.

Barry Miles, of Cumberland, and Rodney Ownby and Annie May Miles, of Dillwyn, visited in the home of James and Virginia Boyles in Cumberland on Monday, Jan. 27.

Thought for the Day: Worry is a burden that God never meant for us to bear.

Barry Miles will be providing gospel music on Thursday, Feb. 7, at 4:30 p.m. at Heritage Hall Nursing Home in Dillwyn. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Spreading God’s Gifts Inc., of Buckingham, is a non-profit local organization that extends help to individuals and families in their hour of need. All are invited to come and learn how to help and by attending their regular monthly meeting held on Thursday evening, Feb. 4, at 6:30 p.m. in the conference room of the Buckingham County Library. All board members and interested persons are asked to attend. For further information, call 434-983-2269 or 804-492-5806.

Spreading God’s Gifts Inc., will be hosting their annual Sweetheart banquet on Saturday evening, Feb. 8, from 6-8 p.m. at the First Baptist Church in Dillwyn. The menu includes roast beef w/gravy, baked potato, green beens, salad, roll, dessert and beverage all for a donation. Dinner music will be provided throughout the evening by Denise Bryant, of Buckingham. Door prizes will also be given away.

Funds resulting from this event will be to help individuals and families in their hour of need. All are invited to join in for an evening of great food and entertainment.

Union Branch Baptist Church, located in Arvonia, will be hosting their January food distribution on Saturday, Feb. 8, from 9 a.m. to noon. Recipients must be a Buckingham County resident and will receive one box per household. Boxes are served on a first-come first-served basis or until all food is gone. For further information, contact Pastor Maynard Jones at 434-286-3518 or Barry Miles at home 804-492-5806 or (cell) 434-315-4181.